With my photo editing and retouching services a popular request I get is to repair damaged old photos. A lot of the time it’s the usual faded and scratched old photo that you have seen repaired a million times, but have you seen detail restored like this before ?

If you have a photo that is precious to you, badly damaged, missing features etc, let me have a look as if you can budget to allow me to spend quality time working on it, then there is a good chance I can recover details and fix everything like in this example.
I don’t use the typical AI apps, as they do great jobs on simple tasks but fail when it comes to missing features like eyes and noses or when more complicated editing is required. Over the years I have developed a custom workflow that allows me to bring back detail and repair a badly damaged old photo and in many cases I can enhance the detail further than the original photo had to start with.
It doesn’t have to be an old photo either, newer photos need some love and attention from time to time too.